To start with, honestly I wasn’t part of the group who made an ambush interview on Concentrix for our first assignment in this subject. Fortunately I was able to find my way into the group because one of my group mates was one of those who had the ambush interview and I asked and referred to his reflection or rather his assignment number one.
The adopted company, Concentrix, formerly Link2Support, is a call center operation in Davao which is a US – based Company located at Damosa I.T Park, Lanang, Davao City. Concentrix provides technical and customer support to clients. Their work force delivers knowledge based services that have one measure of success resulting in customer satisfaction. And from, Concentrix maximizes the long-term value of our clients' customers with solutions that support the entire customer life cycle and provide a high return on investment. And, by delivering from our locations in Asia, Latin America, and the United States in 12 major languages, we give our clients the global reach essential for business success. Our results: satisfied clients, some with relationships of 12 years or more. My group mate told me that when they visited the company they only gave one questionnaire.
Moving on, when I referred to his blog, one of their question is “What is MIS in your company?” the interviewee told them that their MIS is the core of their company. It is the core because their business focuses or makes use of computers and their MIS is responsible for repairing, installing and troubleshooting their computers. Their MIS personnel are also skilled in networking and not only that, their MIS is also responsible for making their systems which does not only record data it also records voice. The next question would be the main topic for the assignment, “What do you think are the best practices in your department that you think contribute a lot to the success in the company?” I was not really expecting that the answer would be teamwork. I was rather expecting the answer would be their latest software or their method of doing the business. So the interviewee said that teamwork, constantly evolving, and the like are their best IT practices.
Teamwork, from the definition in Wikipedia, is a joint action by two or more people, in which each person contributes his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group in order to achieve common goals. Teamwork is one of the key to achieve success not just in business but in all fields such as sports and academics. Without teamwork it would be like playing basket ball five against one and it would be very hard to get the work done especially if that work needs to be done in a certain deadline. In Concentrix, their teamwork not only runs in their MIS department but throughout the whole system which makes them a company that has a system for success. I mean if there would be teamwork or if the people in the company work as a team, as one, then there would also be harmony in work and the tasks would be lighter compared to doing the task alone. The most successful or effective teamwork is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work towards a common goal. In the case of Concentrix, they all work for a certain goal and that is to deliver knowledge based services that have one measure of success resulting in customer satisfaction.
On to the second assignment which is “Based on the organization that you visited, what do you think are the risk associated with business and IT/IS change? (1000 words)” I think that if there would be a change or if a certain company like Concetrix would decide to make a change in their business and IT/IS, there would be good and bad effects of that change and considering the fact that they would be encountering a handful of risks in pursuing that change. An example of a change in is migrating from the current software to another one which is better or the latest software in the market. Many risks would arise in pursuing such change such as delaying the work of the personnel because of the reason that the personnel working in the company have already been accustomed to the current system or the current software and it would take time for the personnel to learn or adjust to the new software that they will be going to implement. Of course the new software that they are going to use is better than their current software so it would mean that the new software would have new features and commands that are not common to the personnel.
Also, the company would risk providing or investing resource for the training of the personnel to use the new software and they would have to pay other experts to train their personnel. It would cost the company money and it will also take time considering that they would have to migrate their data from the old software to the new one. They would also run tests and run error checking to their personnel’s performance before they could assure that their personnel have already adjusted to the new software. And if it would take time there would be a possible risk of losing profit but it all depends on how the company prepares for that change.
However, change in the business or IT/IS of a company does not only trigger risks and bad effects in the process it also has good effects. A certain company would not risk pursuing a change if they think that their system is perfect or stable. A company would always aim for the best and provide the best services that they could give to their clients. A change in a company and its effects would depend on the company on how they plan, manage and control it and if they really want that change.